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by Bertrand Russell
The Analysis of Mind
  • Science
  • 1921
  • Autor: Bertrand Russell
“The Analysis of Mind” is the best work of Lord Bertrand Arthur William Russell, who left a bright trace in English and world philosophy, logic, sociology, and political life. Following G. Frege, he, together with A. Whitehead, attempted a logical justification of mathematics, creating a school of logicism. B. Russell is one of the most paradoxical philosophers who believed that the essence of philosophy is a logical analysis, and it combines science, religion and everyday consciousness. He is the founder of English neorealism, “logical atomism” as a form of neopositivism. B. Russell did not...
Number of pages: ~ 174 pages

by Bertrand Russell
The Problems of Philosophy
  • Science
  • 1912
  • Autor: Bertrand Russell
The book `The Problems of Philosophy` was written by B. Russell as a popular introduction to philosophy in 1910 and is still one of the best works of this kind (if not the best). The volume of the book is small, but, despite this, Russell was able to consider here the most basic issues of philosophy. `The Problems of Philosophy' can be used to teach philosophy at almost all levels of education - from secondary school to university and postgraduate study, as well as a textbook for special courses at philosophical faculties....
Number of pages: ~ 156 pages